About Us

About Us

Anagha Global HR

Delivering HR expertise through sustained association and a deep connect

We are a center of excellence in end to end HR expertise ranging from leadership and key talent acquisition to strategic organizational interventions to well-tempered industrial relations advice and implementation
We offer this expertise under the leadership of Mr.Rammohan Chepuri (Ram), and associate professionals
Ram, the lead consultant of Anagha Global HR, is an executive coach and an accredited MBTI trainer with three and half decades of leadership experience in conceptualizing and implementing HR management practices and industrial relations

His HR management acumen owes itself to his decades of leadership work across India in multi-cultural scenarios and renders him a consulting-resource of choice across an enviable bandwidth of people-management practices which include employee engagement in M&A scenarios, performance management, leadership development, competency management, capability building, change management etc.,closely aligned with business and result-oriented IR advisory aimed not only on immediate resolution of conflicts but also for the long-term harmony in manufacturing locations

Our uniqueness

Decades of mature HR leadership experience

Masterly acumen to delve deep and deliver results.

Contemporary expertise blended with tested wisdom that ensures success

Readiness to work shoulder to shoulder with organizations and their teams

Willingness to work with you in the long term and ensure results that you can demonstrate.

On-the-ground application of HR and IR interventions